At One Series
2018, Self-Portraiture and Digital Photography
The At One Series represents my ongoing investigation of the intersection of metaphysics, the natural world and surrealism through lens-based media and performative self-portraiture. The experience of numinosity, or the vague impression of forces greater than one’s self, is at the heart of this work photographed in Iceland. Chosen sites become liminal spaces where psyche and cosmos intersect; void meets light; formlessness meets form; and matter becomes energy to profoundly illuminate my understanding of subconscious binary tensions. Fabric enhances the hypnagogic quality of the ‘body forms’ to suggest universal archetypes and experiential thresholds. Digital manipulation of multiple mirrored images of myself in this location reveal an ethereal being frozen beyond time and space. In the process of layering, white inverts the colors of the base layer to reveal my inner vision as a chromatic experience. Uncanny yet explicit, these photographs present an imagined state of utopia and a fleeting moment of atonement with my embeddedness in existence.
Artist, performer, camera and editing: Sherry Erskine
Technical assistant: John K Erskine
Installation: ArtPrize 2018